Dr. Femida Gwadry-Sridhar, Founder and CEO of Pulse Infoframe, discussed how to improve patient engagement during studies while collecting... read more → Building on the success of our most recent webinar on Patient-Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs), our August webinar will expand... read more → Daniel Lewi (CATS Foundation), Ellen Haf Davies (Aparito), and Femida Gwadry-Sridhar (Pulse Infoframe) discuss their experiences using rare disease... read more → Patient registries—Does your population need one? Learn about the CDKL5 Registry, International CDKL5 Disorder Database, & Connect CDKL5, and how they complement research goals. Q&A... read more → Pulse Infoframe is a real-world evidence, health informatics and analytics company that combines technology and services to create engaging,... read more → Registry Diversification — Building Sustainable Disease Registries to Accelerate Research and Improve Lives Patient registries are centralised databases that collect medical information about patients with a particular condition or group of conditions.... read more →
Dr Femida Gwadry-Sridhar is the Founder and CEO of PulseInfoFrame; a company that builds collaborative communities to enable the best... read more →